Introducing the Prevention Centre’s Scientific Advisory Committee



TYPE Prevention Centre News

The committee will provide strategic scientific advice to support our work to strengthen the national chronic disease prevention system. This includes building system leadership, incubating and driving new knowledge, and accelerating the use of new knowledge and methods to inform policy and practice. 

We welcome the appointment of the Scientific Advisory Committee including:

The committee will provide high-level and strategic scientific advice, technical expertise and guidance on the prevention, knowledge translation, systems and implementation science research environments to support the Prevention Centre’s vision and objectives.

The membership includes representatives from the prevention system’s research community, policy organisations and the Collaboration for Enhanced Research Impact (CERI). The committee will be chaired by the Head of the Prevention Centre, Nadia Mastersson and also include our Systems Science Manager, Dr Mishel Shahid.

I am delighted to welcome the committee members and look forward to working closely with them so that the Prevention Centre’s program of work can continue to draw on the deep expertise of Australia’s prevention research community. Together we can foster enduring research-policy partnerships and support research co-production and co-design.

Nadia Mastersson

The newly appointed Scientific Advisory Committee will meet formally for the first time next month.