Resource hub
We aim to boost knowledge translation in prevention research through innovative communications about the Prevention Centre, its work and people. Our resource hub allows you to drive your own search for key issues in the prevention of chronic disease by type, topic, or methodology.
Insights from a codesigned dynamic modelling study of child and adolescent obesity in Australia
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The value of dynamic simulation modelling in the prevention landscape
Resource category:Knowledge Syntheses
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Examining changes in implementation of priority healthy eating and physical activity practices, and related barriers, over time in Australian early childhood education and care services: a repeated cross-sectional study
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Piloting a citizen science approach to auditing rural walkability in Tasmania
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Global Healthy and Sustainable City Indicators: Collaborative development of an open science toolkit for calculating and reporting on urban indicators internationally
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Why public health acts could be our best chance to stem the tide of non-communicable diseases
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Making it on the breadline – improving food security on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands, Central Australia
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Antenatal care practices for gestational weight gain: a cross sectional survey of antenatal care providers reported provision and barriers to providing recommended care
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Barriers and enablers to addressing smoking, nutrition, alcohol consumption, physical activity and gestational weight gain (SNAP-W) as part of antenatal care: A mixed methods systematic review
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Economic benefits of reducing childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity in Australia
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Real-world public health interventions demonstrate how research evidence informs program scale-up
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How do we fund Public Health in Australia? How should we?
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General practitioner support needs to implement cardiovascular disease risk assessment and management guidelines: Qualitative interviews
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How do general practitioners manage patient health literacy differences in cardiovascular disease prevention consultations? An interview study