Professor Helen Skouteris
Scientific Advisory Committee, CERI Steering Committee
EMAIL [email protected]
Professor Helen Skouteris is Head of the Monash University Health and Social Care Unit, a Maureen Brunt Professorial Fellow, and Principal Mentor of the Health in Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Early and Mid-Career Researcher Collective (HiPPP EMR-C). Helen is a member of the Prevention Centre’s Scientific Advisory Committee, having made a significant contribution to the area of health and social care improvement and implementation science as a researcher and developmental psychologist. She is also Director of the Centre of Research Excellence in Health in Preconception and Pregnancy (CRE HiPP), one of the CREs that contributes to the Collaboration for Enhanced Research Impact (CERI).
Her research, with equity at the heart of intersectionality, capacity building, collaboration, and innovation for impact, is driven by an unrivalled commitment to consumer and community involvement. Helen is leading the generation of new theoretically informed, equity-centred implementation science knowledge, to transform our understanding of how to support and empower populations experiencing most disadvantage to advance health and social equity.
Professor Helen Skouteris's projects
Professor Helen Skouteris's news and media
Introducing the Prevention Centre’s Scientific Advisory Committee
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Systemic approaches needed to address wide-ranging inequities affecting women’s health
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The global view of obesity
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International Congress on Obesity (ICO) Melbourne Oct 18-22
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Preconception health international conference presentations
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The building blocks of prevention in the first 2000 days
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August Chronicle newsletter
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#Prevention2022 Wrap
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The value of prevention: lifestyle interventions may be a cost-effective way to support healthy pregnancies
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Collaborating nationally for chronic disease prevention
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NHMRC funding success for prevention researchers
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CERI expands with three further Centres of Research Excellence
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Language matters: pregnancy and overweight or obesity
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Why we are stronger together
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Time to tackle obesity, another threat to global health and wellbeing
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The power of working together: Research centres join forces in major new platform for prevention
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Healthy lifestyle modules embedded in Monash University midwifery degree
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Online portal to support women’s healthy lifestyles around pregnancy in the workplace
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Meet Professor Helen Skouteris
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Professor Helen Skouteris's resources
The first 2000 days: Giving our kids the best start for a healthier life
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Research seminar: Effective interventions to support healthy lifestyle prior to conception and during pregnancy
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Peer-supported lifestyle interventions in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
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CRE HiPP Showcase webinar 2021
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