The nature of prevention and its co-benefits



TYPE Prevention Centre News

Many of the root causes of chronic disease – and some of the most effective strategies to prevent chronic disease – lie outside the health sector. Addressing these root causes will improve people’s health, and can sometimes also benefit other sectors such as education, employment and the environment.

Co-benefits of prevention refers to the multiple benefits across different policy or program areas that can arise from a preventive health strategy or initiative. For example, actions that aim to prevent chronic disease are also likely to improve productivity, reduce absenteeism and achieve economic benefits for Australia.

A co-benefits approach can help governments prioritise action and can also help break down silos to create opportunities for sectors to work together on addressing common risk factors.

Lucie Rychetnik, Co-Director

We’ve added a new section to our website to outline the co-benefits of prevention and using this approach in policy making. We provide a range of examples from creating liveable cities and neighbourhoods, to mitigating climate change, preventing alcohol-related harm and achieving co-benefits through settings-based health promotion and interventions.

Photo and creative credit: Claudine Thornton Creative, using eucalyptus blooms on the shorelines of Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island)