Perceptions of prevention: What does the Australian community think?


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This research increased our understanding of community awareness, attitudes and values regarding chronic disease prevention policies and programs, which is key to optimising communication and formulation of public health action. Download the second national report, the AUSPOPS 2018: Tasmanian report, and other resources from our Featured Resources section below.


AUSPOPS - AUStralian Perceptions Of Prevention Survey

Project title

What is the issue?

There is debate currently about what role the government should play in regulation for preventive health. Some commentators view government regulation and health promotion activities as constituting a ‘nanny state’ that is overly controlling of individual choice and freedom regarding their health. Determining the right balance of government intervention and personal choice is a challenging issue for complex problems such as the prevention of lifestyle-related chronic disease. Therefore, gaining a better understanding of community awareness, attitudes and values regarding chronic disease prevention policies and programs is key to optimising communication and formulation of public health action.

Decisions regarding various policy options for prevention may gain or lose momentum depending on policymakers’ perceptions of how the policy may be received by the general public. Health promotion advocates argue that the current anti-intervention narrative discourages government from committing to the more effective systemic changes needed to effect population level change.

How did the project address the issue?

In Australia, there has been little research conducted to better understand community knowledge and attitudes regarding people’s understanding of prevention and of policies and programs to improve lifestyle-related chronic disease. In 2016, we conducted a national population survey to quantify community attitudes and values towards government intervention and development of policies and programs for the prevention of lifestyle-related chronic diseases (AUSPOPS). Formative research using focus groups were conducted to inform survey development.

What were the outcomes?

The research has shown how the Australian community views government intervention for the purpose of health prevention, and how these perceptions may vary over demographic and health-related factors.

What is the relevance for practice?

Exploring and measuring community perceptions of prevention through primary research will assist policymakers gain a more direct indicator of community attitudes and the logic which underpins them.


Project team

  • Dr Elly Howse Dr Elly Howse has finished working with the Prevention Centre.

    The University of Sydney
    Headshot of Elly Howse
  • Erika Bohn-Goldbaum Erika Bohn-Goldbaum has finished working with the Prevention Centre.

    The University of Sydney
    Headshot of Erika Goldbaum
  • Adjunct Associate Professor Jo Mitchell Adjunct Associate Professor Jo Mitchell has finished working with the Prevention Centre.

    The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre
    Headshot of Jo Mitchell
  • Julie Williams Julie Williams has finished working with the Prevention Centre.

    Tasmanian Department of Health


This project is funded by the NHMRC, Australian Government Department of Health, ACT Health, Cancer Council Australia, NSW Ministry of Health, Wellbeing SA, Tasmanian Department of Health, and VicHealth.