Mahsa Abdollahyar

Mahsa Abdollahyar has finished working with the Prevention Centre.

Headshot of Mahsa Abdollahyar

EMAIL [email protected]

Mahsa joined a Prevention Centre project in April 2021. In her role, she developed agent- and activity-based modelling methods and applied this to the Suburban Rail Loop as a scenario for establishing how people in Melbourne may respond to the introduction of an orbital cross-city rail line.

Since starting with the team, she has successfully sought scholarship to undertake a PhD in Computer Science under the Supervision of Associate Professor Dhirendra Singh. In her PhD, she will develop a socio-ecological computer simulation model of active travel behaviour. She will combine the machine learning technique and agent-based modelling to develop the simulation model and will create an enhanced decision-making process for artificial travellers to capture the complexity of social interactions and social influences and their effects on active travel behaviour.