Tobacco control interventions for populations living in subsidised, low-income housing: A scoping review

Event Details


Time to AEST

Event Series External event

Location Online

Tobacco smoking is a leading cause of preventable death globally and a major driver of health inequity. People living in subsidised low-income housing are more likely to smoke and experience secondhand smoke exposure compared to the general population. While tobacco control interventions have yielded substantial population health benefits, people living in subsidised housing experience a greater burden of tobacco-related harms. This presentation will present findings from a scoping review on tobacco control interventions implemented in subsidised low-income housing contexts globally, to determine the types of interventions that have been implemented and to understand their impact on smoking and secondhand smoke exposure.

This review also featured in the special prevention issue of Public Health Research & Practice.

This event is presented by the Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame which is a member of the Collaboration for Enhanced Research Impact (CERI).

About CERI

The Collaboration for Enhanced Research Impact (CERI) is a joint initiative between the Prevention Centre and several NHMRC Centres of Research Excellence, established in June 2020 to enhance the profile and impact of chronic disease prevention in Australia. We are working together to find alignment in the policy and practice implications of our work and to develop shared communications across our various projects and participating centres.


CERI develop shared communication across research projects and participating centres.