Free + Equal Human Rights Conference
Event Series External event
Location Online
More than 600 delegates will join diverse leaders, experts and advocates from across Australia for a historic national forum that will pave the way for a much-needed overhaul of Australia’s human rights framework, including the introduction of an Australian Human Rights Act.
Over the last five years, the Australian Human Rights Commission has undertaken a wide-ranging community consultation about reforming Australia’s human rights framework so it can be fit for purpose in the 21st century. The key outcomes of the Commission’s Free + Equal project are a proposed model for an Australian Human Rights Act as well as recommendations to enhance Australia’s anti-discrimination laws. The Commission has delivered comprehensive reports on both these proposals as well as other recommendations for revitalising Australia’s commitment to human rights.
Conference sessions will also focus on a range of key human rights related issues including: enhancing Australia’s anti-discrimination laws; preventing racism; improving children’s rights and youth justice; exploring the intersection of business, technology and human rights; and marking 40 years of Australia’s ground-breaking Sex Discrimination Act.