Professor Alan Cass AO
CRE Director, CERI Steering Committee
EMAIL [email protected]
Professor Cass AO is Director of both the Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin and the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence for Strengthening Health Systems in Remote Australia (CRESTRA), one of the CREs that contributes to the Collaboration for Enhanced Research Impact.
CRESTRA, led by Menzies School of Health Research, seeks to strengthen remote health services by addressing remote workforce gaps, inequitable funding, health service fragmentation and remote research capacity. It will do this through leveraging strong partnerships built over many years with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory, NT Health, Health Communities Foundation Australia and NT Primary Health Network/NT Rural Workforce Agency.
Alan is a kidney specialist with extensive experience in chronic disease prevention and management. His research focus is across the clinical, health services and public health areas and he has worked regularly with state and federal governments in the development and evaluation of chronic disease programs and strategies.