Message from the Co-Directors 2022



TYPE Prevention Centre News

We have all seemingly learned to work around the ongoing vagaries of a COVID-affected world.  Workplaces have bedded down the new norms of hybrid working; and many of us have participated in the inevitable super-spreader events, including several preventive health conferences! 

Yet everyone it seems has felt the excitement and energy of finally convening face to face and in 3D with like-minded colleagues, and delighted in the new collaborations, career opportunities and renewed passion for prevention that such meetings provide.

And as we enter the season of festivities and summer breaks it seems to us that one of the most commonly shared experiences among colleagues and friends is the combined sense of satisfaction with a fantastically productive year, and that of feeling very tired!

What better way to head into the holidays than to celebrate some of the best of 2022.

For us at the Prevention Centre some of the most rewarding aspects of our work are the opportunities to direct available resources to supporting Australia’s next generation of leaders in prevention research, policy and practice.

Our Emerging Leaders Network now has more than 300 members who regularly take up the opportunities to engage and connect, including the highlight of 2022 – the Emerging Leaders Symposium

We also awarded 23 seeding grants, and five new research grants to mid-career investigators leading policy-relevant research. We supported successful grant applications by new lead investigators, and the cross-CRE partnerships of the expanding Collaboration for Enhanced Research Impact (CERI).

When we see the combined work of the next generation of leaders we know the future of prevention is in excellent hands.

We would like to thank all of you who continue to contribute so much valuable time, skills and expertise to supporting and growing this prevention community – and we wish you all a happy and restful break.

Lucie, Andrew and the Coordinating Centre team