Seed funding success



TYPE Prevention Centre News

The Prevention Centre expanded our seed funding grants this year to support innovative new research, capacity building and research translation on top of funding for new or formative research. We are pleased to announce that 20 ‘next-gen’ applicants have been successful and will share in more than $87,000 seed funding to pursue chronic disease prevention research-related activities that would otherwise go unfunded.

The scheme offered up to $5,000 to early and mid-career (EMC) researchers, practitioners, and policy makers who are affiliated with a current Prevention Centre project, investigator or funding partner. This year we include two categories – Research Grants for new or formative research as part of an external grant application and Capacity Building and Research Translation Grants to support workshops, training, open access publication costs, conference presentations and other relevant activities.

Congratulations to the recipients on their grant success.

The Prevention Centre aims to continue its support of early to mid-career chronic disease prevention researchers, practitioners and policy makers through various events and activities. For future opportunities, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, The Chronicle.