Our impact
The Prevention Centre aims to make prevention research more impactful. Together with our funding partners, we support and empower Australia’s prevention system by providing a mechanism to connect research, policy and practice.

The Prevention Centre brings together academic researchers, health system practitioners and policy makers to ensure our research findings are timely and relevant to creating policy action.
Our research model means our impact is not just measured by traditional academic outputs such as peer-reviewed papers, but also by the use of our findings and tools to inform and influence policy.
The many reports and publications that our research programs produce serve to highlight the outcomes and impact of the Prevention Centre and how our work continues to influence public health policy in Australia.

More about our impact
Publication summaries
Our publications summaries are based on journal articles authored by Prevention Centre researchers. They outline why we researched the topic, the value it adds, what was surprising, and what the research means for policy. -
Impact case studies
Our impact case studies illustrate how our research projects are influencing public health policy in Australia.