What happens after a causal loop diagram is created?

Event Details


Time to AEDT

Event Series External event

Location OnlineIn-person

Speaker Lori Baugh Littlejohns will share insights from Australian and Canadian projects, focusing on the impact of co-creating a casual loop diagram for population physical activity promotion in British Columbia. Following her presentation, participants will have the chance to share their experiences, ask questions, and discuss future opportunities and challenges for casual loop diagrams in health promotion.

About Lori Baugh Littlejohns

Lori Baugh Littlejohns (she/her) holds a Bachelor of Social Work (Canada), a Master’s (USA), and a PhD (Australia) in Health Promotion. Her research has focused on applying systems science methods in public health, health promotion, and chronic disease prevention. Lori has held postdoctoral positions in both Australia and Canada, where she developed a framework for assessing and strengthening public health systems and methods for causal loop diagramming.

This seminar is online and in-person. Light refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees. Registrations are essential.

For more information about this event, please contact: [email protected]

This seminar is hosted by Pathways in Place – Victoria University. Pathways in Place: Co-Creating Community Capabilities is a research program supporting the flourishing of children and young people. Jointly delivered by Victoria University (Australia) and Griffith University (Australia), with funding from the Paul Ramsay Foundation.