PHAA Student Think Tank 2024

Time to AEST
Event Series External event
Location Online
Join the Public Health Association of Australia’s (PHAA) webinar to learn more about four student finalists’s innovative solutions to address a pressing public health problem and ensure an inclusive public health system. This year’s webinar will feature important topics such as First Nations’ storytelling, addressing language barriers in health care for CALD communities, amplifying voices through youth engagement, and centering voices with lived experience. Come along and support the future public health workforce.
About the competition
The national Public Health Student Think Tank competition for 2024 is an initiative of the Students and Young Professionals in Public Health Committee. It aims to provide an opportunity for students to engage with current issues in public health, showcase their innovation, and interact with established professionals. Students entered by providing a written response to the prompt, “Considering the need for an inclusive public health system in Australia, propose an innovative strategy to amplify marginalised voices to address the public health challenges of today”.
After reviewing the entries the top four shortlisted entrants from the written round are invited to develop their response into a presentation, of no more than seven minutes, for a live national webinar. The winning student will be invited to present their response at the Australian Public Health Conference 2024.