Rating food and beverage manufacturers on nutrition

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Time to AEST

Event Series External event

Location Online

This lunchtime webinar will share headline results of a new report that rates Australia’s largest packaged food and beverage manufacturers on their nutrition policies and practices, a much-anticipated update from the release of the first evaluation results in 2018.

Professor Gary Sacks will share an overview of the performance of Australian food and beverage manufacturers with comparisons to current global best-practice, and Professor Kathryn Backholer will offer insights into the future actions required to improve the healthiness of Australian food environments.

This event will be hosted by Professor Adrian Cameron, Director of RE-FRESH: Next Generation (Centre of Research Excellence in Food Retail Environments for Health: Next Generation) and presented in partnership with the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition (GLOBE) within the Institute for Health Transformation (IHT) at Deakin University.