Public health engagement in recent food regulatory system activities

Event Details


Time to AEST

Event Series Community of practice

Location Online

This webinar will discuss recent advocacy efforts to influence food regulation, including the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) Act review, and counter the influence of harmful industries for positive public health outcomes. Food regulation has great potential to support healthier diets and reduce risk factors for chronic disease. A considerable number of measures have progressed through the food regulatory system in recent years, including reforms to legislative frameworks and strategic direction as well as various potential policy interventions. However, not all of these have supported public health outcomes. Strong, coordinated advocacy by public interest groups can help encourage positive efforts and redirect activities that propose risks.

Join us to hear from Damian Maganja. Damian is a Research Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health and co-convenor of the Public Health Association of Australia Food and Nutrition Special Interest Group. His work looks at policies and processes to improve the healthiness of food environments, with a focus on better regulation and governance of harmful industries. He joined the academic sector after working in health policy and programs with various government and non-government organisations.