Masterclass: Research-Policy Partnerships
Event Details
Time to
Event Series External event
Location In-person
This Masterclass from the Centre for Health in All Policies is aimed at researchers interested in seeing their research translated into policy and practice, and policy professionals interested in using evidence to improve policy making.
This is an interactive short course using lectures, small group work, self reflection, group discussion, and feedback from participants.
Learning Objectives
- Examine the value of collaborative partnerships in producing evidence-informed policy
- Explore methods designed to enhance research and knowledge translation
- Clarify different terminologies used in research and policy making endeavors
- Become familiar with the key processes used in research and policy making
Masterclass Outcomes
- Share experiences with researchers and policy actors in an interactive space
- Develop skills and expertise in collaboration for research-to-policy translation
- Explore opportunities for working across research policy boundaries
- Network and build research and policy partnerships
Modules and Dates
Module 1: Concepts and Frameworks – 22/08/2022
Module 2: Tools and Skills -23/08/2022
Module 3: Application and Practice – 02/09/2022
Please note: Modules 2 and 3 are only available if Module 1
is attended.
Please see registration page for details on costs.