Improving investment in public health research: Identifying pathways to action

Event Details


Time to ACST

Event Series CERI

Location In-person

Funding for public health research in Australia is disproportionately low relative to other fields and remains a challenge in terms of sustainably growing high quality public health research capacity in order to meet the opportunities for public health research to support evidence informed public health reform.

This workshop is designed for attendees to hear from those who have extensive experience in public health research funding, including in policy setting and reform. We will explore with the workshop participants the likely challenges and benefits of various proposed changes to the funding system, inviting participants to share their experience of the system and their ideas on potential solutions

The workshop will identify priority advocacy steps for the public health research community, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) and the Collaboration for Enhanced Research Impact (CERI) to increase future public health research funding. This activity is a key step in establishing a dialogue between groups positioned to work towards needed growth in public health research capacity.